【問題】essential thrombocythemia中文?推薦回答

作者:Kenneth S. Rubin

  給所有團隊成員、經理人及執行高層的Scrum綜合指南   如果您想使用 Scrum 來開發創新產品和服務,以滿足您的客戶,《Essential Scrum》就是您一直在尋找的一部鉅細靡遺、獨一無二的著作。頂尖的 Scrum 教練暨培訓師 Kenny Rubin 清楚闡釋了 Scrum 的價值觀、原則和實踐方式,並介紹各種可以幫助您更有效地實現 Scrum 的靈活、經過驗證的方法。  ...

作者:Wong, Aleena

作者:Stiles, Kg

作者:Ling, Vivian,Wang, Peng

Vivian Ling was born in wartime China and educated in the U.S. She taught for 24 years at Oberlin College before moving overseas to direct study-abroad Chinese language programs, most notably the I...

作者:Joe, Howard T.

作者:Cheng, Jiahui

Cheng Jiahui (1962 -), a native of Baise, Guangxi, China, a poet, poetry translator, and professor of English of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities, presides over the study of the Project o...

